14 Sep 2016

Yaml Explained

Yaml stands for “Yaml Ain’t Markup Language” and is the core of Ansible and writing playbooks. Almost all of Ansible “code” for configuration management is written in Yaml, so I wanted to use this blog post to cover the basics.

In this tutorial I will cover how files are formatted, and how to use lists, key value pairs and other data structures in a Yaml file.

To begin a file in Yaml you need to create a simple text file with three dashes at the top of the page and save it with the “.yml” file extension. Congratulations, you’ve just created your first Yaml file!

To create a comment in Yaml (where a comment is purely a note for yourself in the code) you need to use the # sign. The below code snippet shows an example of the beginning of a file with a comment in it:

--- #Yay my first Yaml file!

Next, let’s create a key value pair in Yaml. A key value pair can be as simple as setting my name, age and the current date as it looks like below:

--- #Yay my first Yaml file!
Name: Daniel Mouris
Age: 26
CurrentDate: 13/09/2016

In case you aren’t familiar with a key value pair, in the above example everything before the colon is a key and everything after the colon is the value.

To create a key with a multiline value, you need to add a | (normally named pipe) after the key value. Below is an example of this:

--- #Yay my first Yaml file!
Name: Daniel Mouris
Age: 26
CurrentDate: 13/09/2016
Interests: |
  Daniel loves to code and learn new things.
  Daniel also loves his wonderfully cute kittes,
  whose names are Ghost and Gambit.

Ansible does a great job at detecting Yaml datatypes, but you might want to be specific. Below are examples of datatypes that you can specify in Yaml:

--- #Yay my first Yaml file!
integer-example: 97 # this is an integer
string-exmpale: "97" # this is a string
float-example: 97.0 # this is a float
string-non-ambiguous: !!str 97 # explicitly set as string
float-non-ambiguous: !!float 97 # explicitly set as a float
boolean-true: Yes #treats yes like a true statement in code
another-string-example: No sir, the oilers lost today. # treats yes and no like a string instead of boolean

As you can see, Yaml tries to be as intuitive as possible when evaluating your variable names.

Next we can look at lists. Lists in Yaml are pretty intuitive and are denoted with a “-“ before your key value pairs. Below shows an example of multiple lists:

- name: dan
    - ghost
    - gambit
- name: amber
    - mocha
    - topaz

As you can see above, there are dashes in front of name as well as below cats. The dashes in front of name show that everthing with that indentation level will be in that list item. This means that ghost and gambit are cats, that are in the same group as dan. Ansible uses lists like the above (except with more meaningful values) to perform all of the tasks to create your configuration on your server/database/networking service that you’re using.

The final thing that I will be covering in this short tutorial is including files in Yaml. Below shows a Yaml file that includes two files, a-different-Yaml -file.yml and another-Yaml-file.yml.

- include: a-different-Yaml-file.yml
- include: another-Yaml-file.yml

Hopefully you have enjoyed my overview of Yaml; the above should give you enough to begin to understand the Yaml formatting. In the future, I will be looking at how to use Yaml variables from other filenames (for when you come across them in Ansible). Now, if you go look at an Ansible Yaml file, you might not be able to understand all of the modules but you should be able to follow along. Hopefully, by keeping up with future blog posts for this tutorial, you’ll learn more how Ansible is great and how it will help you.
